Yale Glee Club Alumni Chorus Moscow Tour April 2003 |
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The Golden Age of the national literature, when Russian literature obtained the tradition, history and interesting language: "the century of classics."
Griboedov, Alexander
Sergeevich, 1795-1829
The hope of Russian
diplomacy, a brilliantly educated person, the author of the famous
play Gore ot Uma (The sorrow by the brains). He could
have been the country's intellectual leader, but he was killed during
a riot, when Russian Embassy was attacked in Persia (Iran). His only
play is performed in repertoires of most Russian dramatic theatres.
Gore ot Uma about a character who is mulling over his own
existence and the way he can improve himself and society. Thus the
hero is a rich noble and the action takes place in the 19th century
the story of the individual who can't follow the beaten way of life
is still interesting for modern people.
Recommended Books by Griboedov and about Griboedov:
ot Uma
of Griboedov: New Materials
Pushkin, Alexander
Sergeevich, 1799-1837
There is a Russian
proverb "Pushkin means all for us." He addressed poems not only to
emperors and noblemen, but also to the average man (on topics of
everyday life). Some of his works make use of new poetic forms, and
have been set to music in the form of songs and operas. He also wrote
brilliant lyrics, interesting stories, and even historical research
on Pugachev.
Recommended Books by Pushkin:
A Biography
Queen of Spades and Other Stories...
Pushkin: Selected Novels
The Bronze Horseman
Onegin (Penguin Classics)
One of the most famous and cited Pushkin's works.
Onegin: A Novel in Verse...
A brilliant translation by Vladimir Nabokov - highly
Bridegroom: With "Count Nulin"
History of Pugachev
Lermontov, Mikhail
Ureyvich, 1814-1841
Lermontov explored the
Russian soul: love, pain, suffering, existence. His lyrics and his
novels are devoted to characters who can feel much and act as they
like, who accept the pain and responsibility for their
Recommended Books by Lermontov:
Hero of Our Time (Penguin Classics)
Perhaps, the most important work of Lermontov, a deep study into
the human nature...
Lermontov: Major Poetical Works
Gogol, Nikolai
Vasilevich, 1809-1852
My favorite! Although
considered part of the classical canon of Russian literature, Gogol
broke with stylistic traditions. He used unusual language,
experimental typography, and a magical mix of strange and lost
Russian and Ukrainian words. Furthermore, he declined to follow the
realism so popular in nineteenth century, but proclaimed his own
vision of indeterminate, mystical life. His main novel, Dead
Souls, his autobiographical stories, his funny and simple play
(The government inspector), his unique tales add a surreal and
zany element to Russian literature.
Recommended Books by Gogol:
Souls (Penguin Classics)
A beautifully written prose and an ironic portrait of 19th century
Russian province.
of Madman and Other Stories...
The typography goes crazy as the main character looses it.
Government Inspector (Methuen
Complete Tales of Nikolay Gogol
Overcoat" and Other Stories...
Turgenev, Ivan
Sergeevich, 1818-1883
Turgenev was a realist
and describes a determined life. Both Rudin and Fathers and
Sons portray typical ideological conflicts of the time. If you
want to get familiar with life of common people you better read
Sketches from a Hunter's Album, First Love, or The
diary of a Superfluous Man. Several composers have set Turgenev's
writing to music, and many Russians can recite his words.
Recommended Books by Turgenev:
and Sons (Oxford)
from a Hunter's Album
and "On the Eve" (Oxford)
Love and the Diary of a...
Goncharov, Ivan
Andreevich, 1812-1891
Goncharov was
interested in the concept of the typical Russian as "lazy, different,
other...," and wrote his Oblomov trying to find and define
this specific difference. This is a great psychological survey of
Russians and their types, but also it is very interesting saga about
two friends, their friendship and their life going on. If you like
his style, continue with Goncharov's other novels: Obyknovennaya
istoria (can be translated like A Common Story or Same Old
Story), and Obryv.
Recommended Books by Goncharov:
Old Story
Common Story: A Novel: A Novel...
Ostrovsky, Alexander
Nikolaevich, 1823-1886
A famous playwright,
responsible for the often-programmed Groza (The Storm) and Les
(Forest). Most of the plays are about money, its distracting
power and influence over human feelings. The historical context of
the 19th century, when ambitious Russian businessmen became the
leading class, makes these eternal themes quite interesting.
Recommended Books by Ostrovsky:
Family Affair (Absolute Classics...
Forest: The Forest
"The Storm" (Russian Language...
by Alexander Ostrovsky
Nekrasov, Nikolai
Alekseevich, 1821-1877
Nekrasov was concerned
about the social problems and unfair state policy.His lyrics and most
well known poem Komu na Rusi zit horosjo (Who can be happy
and free in Russia) are more manifestos than works of literature.
For this reliable social position, he attained status as an important
national writer.
Recommended Books by Nekrasov:
Who Can Be Happy and Free in Russia
Dostoevsky, Fedor
Mikhailovich, 1821-1881
Dostoevsky - you can
either like his novels, his philosophy and his religious feeling, or
dislike his style, language and attitude to people. He teaches that
you will get feedback for any action your commit, so you have to be
responsible every minute of your life. The stories are full of
emotional extremes, and have served as the models for many Romantic
Russian operas.
Recommended Books by Dostoyevsky:
and Punishment (Penguin Classics)
Idiot (Wordsworth Classics)
Brothers Karamazov
(Oxford World's Classics)
Eternal Husband" and Other Stories
from Underground (Norton Critical...
An online book -- you can download it.
Short Works of Fyodor Dostoevsky
Leskov, Nikolai
Semenovich, 1831-1895
This talented
journalist hoped that Russia would find its own way and that it
shouldn't copy western models. He also believed in individuals who
would give up their own happiness for the motherland.
Recommended Books by Leskov:
the Edge of the World
Enchanted Wanderer and Other Stories
and Tales
Tolstoy, Lev
Nikolaevich, 1828-1910
The count Tolstoy
proposed his own philosophy to Russian society and it was quite
popular in Russia. War and Peace is one of the best known
books of the nineteenth century. Tolstoy brilliantly describes
context, and when you are reading his books you have a rich picture
of that time. The plots of his novels are very dynamic.
Recommended Books by Tolstoy:
Karenina (Penguin Classics)
A beautiful novel about love and relationship.
Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other
and Peace (Wordsworth Classics)
A great influental literature and historical work with an
exciting plot, where Tolstoy explicitly expresses his philosophy.
/ Boyhood / Youth (Wordsworth...
Chekhov, Anton
Pavlovich, 1860-1904
A doctor, who explored
both Russia (he traveled even to Sakhalin island) and the Russian
mind. His brilliant stories and plays are all focused on everyday
life, but provide surprising insights into character's motivations. A
fascinating adaptation of one of his most lauded stories is available
for rental (1990s film): Uncle Vanya on 42nd
Recommended Books by Chekhov:
Ivanov / The Seagull / Uncle Vanya
Lady with the Little Dog and
Peasants" and Other Stories
Three Sisters (Dover Thrift
(Faber Plays)
Steppe" and Other Stories (Oxford...
Ward Number Six" and Other Stories...